Mom On A Budget Tells Cashier To Put Candle Back, Then Stranger Interrupts.

You never know what the person next to you is going through. That’s why it is so important to treat one another with kindness; what seems like a small gesture to you could seriously impact someone’s life.

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Mom Erin Bennett recently had an experience that perfectly illustrates this. The busy mom of 4 was checking out at Target when she realized she’d hit her budget. She selflessly set aside the only items on the belt that were for her, but that’s when a kind stranger stepped in:


To the man in line behind me at the Gainesville Target, who saw that after hitting my grocery budget limit I decided to put back my Pumpkin Spice candle and the makeup I had picked out,

You didn’t know that I always save my stuff for last and usually end up putting it back.

You didn’t know that the two fussy kids I had with me, were only two out of four.


You didn’t know that I have postpartum depression from the youngest babe and that I use scent as a way to boost my mood.

You didn’t know that this week has been full of sick kids, parent teacher conferences, emergency dental visits and I was so looking forward to lighting that candle at nap time and just taking a minute to relax.


Even without knowing that, you saw me. You saw me as a human, not just the mom in front of you that was distracted and going way too slow. You heard me say that I’d like to put those items back and you said you were getting them. You didn’t take no for an answer. You told me I deserved it when I started to tear up.

You Sir, are the good in the world. You made my day, probably my week, and I WILL pay it forward. Thank you so much for your kind heart and words.

Erin ended her post with a message to her story’s readers: “Please feel free to share in hopes that he sees this and to remind people that kind gestures go a long way.”

Share her message to spread the goodness!

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