Michelle Obama Jumps Into Carpool Karaoke, Wait Until You See The Other Surprise Guest!

michelle obama james carden carpool karaoke

I LOVE James Corden’s Carpool Karaoke videos! The series of celebrity jam sessions never fail to make me laugh. They’re so much more fun and entertaining than regular talk show interviews because you get to see a different side of stars you thought you knew; and they always feature the best music!

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Corden’s videos normally feature musicians or pop stars, but this latest video stars none other than First Lady Michelle Obama. Politics are put in the trunk as she and Corden dance to Single Ladies and laugh about Snapchat. It’s just pure fun!

The video starts off with Corden getting a hard time from security when he pulls up to the White House. He acts surprised when Michelle Obama hops into his car. Just as she starts to give him a tour of the grounds, it is cut short when Corden puts on some Stevie Wonder. Turns out, FLOTUS is a huge Stevie Wonder fan, and the two jam out to Signed Sealed Delivered.

“I’ve been in a car, maybe it was months ago…With my daughter who learned to drive.” says the Mrs. Obama. “But that’s the only time in 7 and a half years that I’ve been in the passengers seat, listening to music, rocking out like this. So this is a treat!”

It gets even better from there. Corden puts on Beyonce’s Single Ladies, and the First Lady knows all the words and all the moves.

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The talk turns more serious as Michelle Obama tells Corden about her Let Girls Learn initiative. She’ll be traveling to 35 different countries to talk about education for women around the world. “So much could be corrected in the world if girls were educated and had power over their lives.”

Next, Corden puts on the song This Is For My Girls, which is the anthem for Let Girls Learn. The song features nine incredible female recording artists: Kelly Rowland, Lea Michele, Missy Elliott, Zendaya, Kelly Clarkson, Janelle Monae, Jadagrace, Chloe & Halle.

Out of nowhere, as James and Michelle rock out to This Is For My Girls, Missy Elliot quite literally pops up from the backseat to join in on the fun. Then the three of them jam to her hit song, Get Ur Freak On. The First Lady, Missy Elliot, and James Corden bouncing up in down in their seats, rapping to this 2003 throwback, is a hilarious sight! The whole video had me smiling from ear to ear!

Check it out below, and share to spread a smile and a jam session today!

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