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Man Diagnosed With Cancer 5 Times Refuses To Stop Running Marathons.

There is nothing that can prepare you to hear a doctor diagnose you with cancer – particularly when you are in the office being seen for a completely unrelated condition.

After an accidental collision with another player during a basketball game Michael Moyles got the devastating news that he had brain cancer. He was given 6-8 years to live – but that was 20 years ago.

Fighting Through Fitness

When he was diagnosed with astrocytoma, Michael was newly engaged and a rising Air Force officer. Not wanting to give in to the cancer, Michael eventually had brain surgery that removed a 2.8cm tumor from his frontal lobe.  Amazingly, he made a full recovery.

Michael was in remission for 4 years before the cancer came back with a vengeance. He not only had to go through another (similar) surgery, but he also had to undergo aggressive chemotherapy to stop the cells from growing.

Fighting Through Fitness 

The chemo made him feel horrible, but Michael found something to help him ease the pain – running. He would run on a regular basis throughout his second bout with cancer and even competed in two marathons.

Michael didn’t let the diagnosis stop him from living his life. He and his wife had a daughter and he continued to remain active and enjoy every day as much as he could.


Michael’s nephew, Søren Janson, said:

“In my opinion, the best quality is his undying faith and perseverance, and absolutely refusing to give upâ€

Fighting Through Fitness

Unfortunately, in 2016, the cancer came back for round five. Still, Michael is fighting. He continues to post comical status updates on his Facebook page and share heartwarming stories about his sweet family.

Fighting Through Fitness

Though he’s tired, Michael has no intention of giving up. He says that “all [treatment] options are on the table – surgery, chemo, radiation and more.”

Michael still makes running marathons look like child’s play.

Follow along with Michael’s journey and send him encouragement as he continues to fight, and be sure to share his story with your friends to keep the good vibes and prayers coming his way!

Learn more about this story here: michael moyles.

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