10-Yr-Old “Kidtrepreneur” Is Well On His Way To Becoming “Philly’s Lemonade King.”

Like many kids, Micah Idris of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, started a lemonade stand a few years ago.

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But instead of spending just a day or two handing out cups of juice in his neighborhood, Micah approached his venture like a true entrepreneur. Now, Micah’s Mixx has sold more than 1,500 bottles of lemonade and iced tea!

“I make fresh squeezed lemonade and fresh brewed iced tea with a MIXX!” Micah wrote on GoFundMe. “My lemonades and teas come in over a dozen different flavors. I started the business when I was 8, but in 2020 it boomed!”

Micah’s mother, Danielle Harrigan, helps the fifth-grader with his venture, and he definitely needs the extra set of hands. In 2020, he had pop-up stands all around Philadelphia, and three corner stores started stocking his beverages on their shelves.

Danielle started an online fundraiser to manage the costs of setting up his small business. Their combined efforts raised about $4,000, enough to purchase a used school bus so Micah’s Mixx can take business on the road!

Now that they have the bus, they’re raising the necessary funds to renovate it. Micah said his mom was initially hesitant about purchasing the vehicle, but he has faith that his community will come through a second time and help make his dream of becoming “Philly’s young lemonade king” a reality.

Not only will he be traveling around to sell lemonade, but he’ll also be giving free bottles to the homeless people he meets along the way!

“Thanks to your donations and the purchase of over 1,500 bottles of lemonade, I have my minibus!” Micah said. “Now I start the hard work of raising enough funds to actually make it a food truck.”

His mom couldn’t be prouder of her hardworking son. “I feel like I needed to come on to express the gratitude for something that a 10-year-old doesn’t quite understand the magnitude of,” she wrote on his Instagram. “At a time when the world feels so separated, people came together to make my baby’s dreams come true.”

“Micah is the most genuine person I know,” she continued. “He loves animals, wants to do everything for the homeless, loves to cuddle, and tells the corniest jokes. He deserves everything good that’s coming to him.”

Micah’s willingness to put in the time and effort to start a small business is so impressive, especially considering his age. We wish him all the luck in the world with his new mobile lemonade stand!

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