Meth Addict Fulfills Grandpa’s Dying Wish, Inspires Thousands With Story Of Recovery.

woman after recovery

When Dejah Hall was just 17 years old, she took a prescription pill at a party that changed her life. After that party, Dejah spiraled further down into addiction, until her entire identity became wrapped up in pills, cocaine, meth, and heroin.

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We’ve shared some incredible recovery stories with you before, like the one about a man who went from drug addict to magna cum laude law student and this one about a former heroin addict who went on to found a $15 million health-food company… Each of the individuals in those stories was motivated to seek sobriety by a particular even in their lives. For Dejah, it was one moment with her grandfather.

“My grandfather was sitting in his wheelchair, and he looked at me and he said, ‘You’re hurting me, Dejah,'” recalls Dejah. “I went to the bathroom, and I looked at myself and I really looked at who I had become. This disgusting person who needed to continue to stick these drugs in her veins because I couldn’t function.”

After that, Dejah promised her grandfather she would get clean. Just hours later, Dejah was arrested on felony warrants, and– in jail– she began her journey towards sobriety, determined to make her grandfather proud.

Just 2 weeks after her arrest, Dejah’s grandfather passed away… but the promise she had made to him never left her mind.

That was 4 years ago. Today, Dejah is a completely different woman! She’s a mother, a student earning her college degree in Christian Studies, and is on the path to become a drug and alcohol counselor, hoping to inspire other addicts to get clean.

Dejah recently posted the photo and caption below on Facebook, sharing her experience with the world:


Today marks 4 years clean from heroin and meth. The top left is me in full blown addiction , I was a terrible iv user and like most, progressively got worse. The bottom left is me the day I was arrested 12-6-12 and coincidentally the day I finally surrendered to God! With the help of God I am completing my BA and hope to one day be a prison minister. I have a beautiful 18 month old and everyday I thank God that I am not where I once was! Sobriety is possible.

The image and story quickly went viral! Thousands have been impacted by Dejah’s incredible transformation.


Dejah wrote that she never expected for her story to go viral, but she’s glad it did. “I know what I want for my live, and I know that helping other obtain sobriety is one of those things,” she wrote in a recent Facebook status. “These pictures are humiliating and show the real effects of drugs, but that doesn’t have to be your reality!”


“Thank you all for your love and support throughout this little journey,” she added. “I know that God does have big plans for me and I know this is just the beginning!”

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