Meet Ellie, The Sweet Baby Who Refuses To Sleep Until Her Mom Serenades Her.

mom singing "better place" by rachel platt as she holds her baby girl who is falling asleep as she leans against her mom

Ever since baby Ellie was born, her mom has been singing the song “Better Place” by Rachel Platt to help her fall asleep. Once her mom was able to capture this precious bonding moment, it was just too cute to not share!

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At the start of the video, Ellie looks wide awake. The music starts soon after, and her mom begins to gently bounce her. For a while, it seems as though this sweet baby girl just isn’t ready to sleep yet, but then she begins yawning… and we all know what happens after that! Mere seconds later, Ellie starts to rest her head on her mom. She closes her eyes and, with half of the song left to sing, she’s already out.

“Sometimes it still brings me to tears,” her mom said. “The world really is a better place since she came along.”

Watch the heartwarming lullaby below and don’t forget to share.

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