Matthew McConaughey And Emmanuel Acho Discuss Racism In Powerful Video.

Engaging in honest and uncomfortable discussions about the root of the issue is one of the best ways to solve a problem.

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As protesters across the country condemn racism and injustice, former NFL star and broadcaster Emmanuel Acho is helping people start conversations at home. In his YouTube Series, “Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man,” Acho talks about racial issues, including inequality and bias.

emmanuel acho

In his first episode, Acho shared his perspective as a black man who has experienced discrimination in all walks of life. His words resonated with millions, opening hearts and minds around the world. In the second, he sat down with actor Matthew McConaughey, who asked a series of powerful questions, starting with, “How can I do better as a white man?”

mcconaughey and acho

They talk about terms like “implicit bias” and “white allergies.” These are often expressed through backhanded compliments such as “you don’t talk like you’re black” or “you’re so pretty for a black girl.” Both paint people of color as stereotypes, not individuals.

Acho points out the people making these comments don’t realize they’re hurtful, but that it’s up to them to acknowledge what they’re doing. Then they can correct their behavior and become part of the solution.

“People should take the responsibility proactively to say, ‘You know what? Maybe I’m a part of the problem, maybe I can fix this issue not just by being not racist, but by being anti-racist. Maybe I can level the playing field and make it a fair fight,'” Acho said.

mcconaughey and acho

If you’re wondering how to become a better ally, we’d encourage you to follow his advice by taking an honest look at yourself and how you can change your actions. We know we will.

Acho and McConaughey cover more important topics in this episode, so be sure to watch below, and share to help spark more conversations.

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