Man Hears Desperate Cries From Inside House Pipe, Spends 2 Days Attempting To Rescue Tiny Kitten.

shirtless man holding hose, cat stuck in pipe

Remco Van Der Linden is a Dutch expat and male model who spends his days traveling the world. Remco, who makes his home in Ibiza, was caught on camera last month in a desperate attempt to rescue a kitten from a storm drain. The little one, just a few weeks old, went darting into a pipe at Remco’s home and was unable to free herself.

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With the help of his niece, Remco went to rescue the little one at all costs. The Dutchman spent the first 24 hours of his attempt trying to flush the kitten out of her prison… but had no luck getting her to budge.

When his first efforts came to nothing, Remco decided to attempt a more direct approach. Using a pickaxe and jackhammer, the determined rescuer drilled holes in his home to try and free the kitten before it was too late. Remco used everything at his disposal to ensure its safety, working carefully but determinedly.

Finally, after 48 long hours, the Dutchman was able to pull the tiny kitten from the exposed pipe. He quickly reunite it with its mother, and the little one was able to drink milk for the first time in two days.

Check out the amazing rescue below!

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