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“They Ran Out Of Questions To Ask Him.” 4-Yr-Old Blows Everyone Away With Genius IQ.

Twins Lawson and Gwendolyn Lundberg were born prematurely in July 2017. Although Gwendolyn was healthy from the start, Lawson faced many obstacles.

Unable to eat, baby Lawson spent weeks in the NICU fighting for his life. By the time he was released, his doctors expected him to have significant delays in cognitive development.

Their suspicions seemed to be coming true when Lawson only spoke about two words within the first two years of his life. But then his mom Sara noticed a huge shift.

“He seemed leaps-and-bounds ahead, learning shapes without us having to teach him, learning words we don’t even remember saying around him,” Sara said.

Earlier this year, the Lundberg family went through a huge ice storm, along with countless people in Portland, Oregon. While they were stuck inside, Lawson began learning the names of countries and their capitals.

“It was then that we figured out he had somehow learned phonics on his own, which blew us away,” Sara said.

And Lawson just keeps on learning! He now knows the names of all 50 states in the U.S. as well as every country in the world – all 195 of them! He’s also memorized every flag and capital around the globe.

After observing his endless thirst for knowledge, Lawson’s parents decided to determine his IQ by having him tested professionally. The results? 151. That puts him close to Albert Einstein, who is estimated to have scored around 160 at a much later age!

The brilliant little tyke then joined Mensa, a nonprofit organization for individuals with IQs of 130 or higher. At just 3 years old, Lawson became one of their youngest members.

“About 21 percent of the IQ test, he didn’t get any of the questions wrong, so they ran out of questions to ask him,” Sara said. “Normally once you get a few wrong they move on, but they weren’t able to move on until they ran out, which is not normal by any means.”

Because IQ tests for older children are more accurate due to having unlimited questions, Lawson will likely take another test in the future. Until then, his family is finding creative ways for him to do good in the world.

“We have talked about the importance of charity,” Sara said. “March of Dimes helped us out a lot when Lawson and his twin sister were in the NICU.”

With a goal of supporting the charity, Lawson is getting creative with a paintbrush. Whenever people donate to March of Dimes through their fundraising page, donors are sent a painting of a state or country, all of which are made by Lawson himself!

This 4-year-old is already proving himself to be an intelligent, kind person. We can’t wait to see what Lawson accomplishes in the future!

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