Mom Berated Little Girl In Elevator But 1 Stranger’s Kind Words Change Her Life.

kind stranger twitter story

Sometimes a kind word makes a world of difference, even if uttered by a total stranger who doesn’t know a thing about your life.

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Writer and producer Ed Solomon recently shared an anecdote on his Twitter page about a woman whose life was irreversibly changed, for the better, by a few thoughtful words whispered to her by a stranger over 40 years ago. The woman had grown up with a verbally abusive mother, and since she had no other point of reference, she always took her mother’s vicious words to heart. Sadly, she believed her mom when she told her she was nothing.

One day, when she was 11 years old, her mother was berating her in front of a group of strangers on an elevator when a stranger changed her life with a few kind words.


As her mother spewed anger at her, the girl stood with her head down. When the elevator reached their floor, her mother angrily darted out the door. But as the girl started to exit, a stranger whispered to her, “Hey.”


She turned to see who had spoken and saw a complete stranger. Just before the doors closed between them, they said just five words… but to this day, she’ll never forget them: “It’s not you. It’s her.”


A stranger had managed to view her situation objectively and say exactly what she needed to hear, when she needed to hear it the most.

She has held those words in her heart for her entire life.


Ed continued his story, explaining why he brought up this anecdote, and why it’s so important:


It’s so true, isn’t it? We never know how a kind remark might change someone’s life and help them get through a difficult time.

Ed’s story sparked an important discussion on Twitter, with commenters sharing their own experiences.


Please share to remind everyone of the importance of paying compliments and extending kindness wherever you go.

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