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Sassy Boy Hops On Stage, Then Backup Dancers Jump In For Hysterical Performance.

Ah, talent shows. There’s really nothing cuter then watching little kids show us what they’ve got during their time in the spotlight.

Anyone whose participated in one remembers all those hours dedicated to rehearsing their songs, skits, magic tricks, or whatever else you had up your sleeves, and the feeling of complete and utter satisfaction once you pull it off. Which brings us to an adorable young lad named Khody Green.


During his school’s talent show, he decided to dance and lip synch to an oldie but a goodie, “Candy,” a hit released in 1986 by Cameo. But if you recall, the original group was made up of  something like 10 members. So what the heck’s he doing dancing up there by himself?!

You only have to feel sorry for him for a few seconds, though, because that’s about how long it takes before the cutest entourage you’ve ever seen comes striding out from the wings! You’ll literally laugh out loud at their antics, especially when the girls start fanning him with their arms  – this kid’s so hot, he’s about to spontaneously combust. Someone better cool him down!


This too-cute-to-be-true footage was taken by Khody’s proud grandma, Leisa Bradley, and luckily for us she shared it on Facebook.

We’re on pins and needles, just waiting to see what he’s got for us next year! Meanwhile, the clip’s garnered millions of views and rave reviews, with everyone agreeing he “killed it” and “he’s too cute!”


You can go ahead and tell yourself you’ve lived life to the fullest if it makes you feel better, but you really haven’t until you see this adorable little boy strut his stuff. Check it out below, and share to spread “awwwww”s!

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