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Hit Songwriters Team Up For Mind-Blowing “Dueling Pianos” Medley.

Musicians sometimes seem to have a magical ability to blend sounds that you never expected to go together.

Singer/songwriters Ben Rector and Jon McLaughlin have definitely conjured up something that sounds almost mystical in its beauty, combining two of their individual hit songs to make one mesmerizing melody that won’t be soon forgotten. It’s called “dueling pianos,” and it’s just plain beautiful.


Ben Rector is a musician based in Nashville, Tennessee, who’s album “Brand New” has already struck a chord with his fans all over the world.


Jon McLaughlin is from Anderson, Indiana, and he’s most often recognized for his lovely original song, “Beautiful Disaster.”


They’ve come together to create “Dueling Pianos,” during which each singer plays their own grand piano while vocally weaving in and out of each of their songs, “Brand New” and “Beautiful Disaster.”


The result is an altogether new song. As Jon explained on Facebook, “I weave in and out of each song as Ben sings Beautiful Disaster lyrics over the rhythm and chord changes of Brand New.”


Each singer has their own vocal style and unique voice, but when combined, they flow perfectly into one another. It’s almost like they were meant to be combined!


The pair perform so well together, they’re even joining forces on a North American tour.


One thing is for certain: there’s nothing disastrous about this “Brand New” version of “Beautiful Disaster.”

Take a look (and listen!) below, and be sure to share with someone who appreciates music!

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