90-Yr-Old Knits Hats For Over 11,000 Newborns And She Isn’t Quitting Any Time Soon.

For the past 15 years, Jeanie Shaffer has given every baby born at her local hospital their very first gift.

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Each newborn at UPMC Western Maryland in Cumberland receives a tiny knit cap the minute they are cleaned up and swaddled. The hats help regulate their body temperatures, and they keep them cozy as they adjust to life outside the womb.

Jeanie knits all of these hats completely free of charge. She’s now 90 years old, but she started making the caps when she was in her mid-70s as a retirement project. She hopes to continue until she’s 100, and she has already finished more than 11,000 hats!

“It makes me feel proud, wonderful that I can do this to give the babies a warm head to start life with,” she said.

In honor of Mother’s Day, the hospital decided to do something special to honor Jeanie’s many years of selfless donations. On social media, they asked anyone who has had a baby at UPMC Western Maryland in the past 15 years to share a picture of their infant wearing one of Jeanie’s hats.

Thousands of people rushed to share their photos. Many families kept the hats as keepsakes to remember their baby’s first gift ever, and it’s easy to see why. Every single infant looks so precious in their Jeanie-made cap!

Hospital employees gathered all the pictures and put them in a scrapbook to give to Jeanie.

As she took in page after page of sweet babies modeling her handiwork, Jeanie seemed surprised to see how much joy her efforts have brought others over the years.

“I didn’t realize that making hats would go that far and do that, and I appreciate it a whole lot,” she said.

What a wonderful way to spend her golden years! Jeanie’s work brings joy, comfort, and care to the tiniest members of her community. She’s giving every family that passes through the hospital a priceless gift that they’ll cherish forever!

Share this story to thank Jeanie for keeping so many babies warm.

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