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Chatty Cat Has Cutest Conversations With His Favorite Human.

In 2015, Javier Negrete of Los Angeles, California, was having a rough time in life and really needed a friend.

His mom suggested that the best place to find an instant BFF was at his local animal shelter. Moms always do know best! As soon as Javier headed over and saw a fluffy orange cat named Kermit, he knew he’d found “the one.”

Kermit is not your typical cat. For one thing, he’s ultra-affectionate and loves nothing more than cuddling with his human dad. He purrs loudly and constantly, butts his head against Javier’s face to give him kisses, and follows him around from room to room. But the most impressive thing about Kermit is his ability to talk.

Yes, you read that right! Kermit talks to his dad constantly. If Javier asks him a question, he answers back with a meow that seems to perfectly suit the situation. For instance, every night Javier asks Kermit if he wants to go to bed, and every night Kermit clearly says yes!

Right off the bat, Kermit started following Javier to bed. “He would start sleeping with me from the moment I slept to the moment I woke up. He was always there,” Javier said.

That’s when Javier noticed that Kermit fully responds to him when he speaks. The cat meows back whenever Javier tells him goodnight, and the next day, he wakes up and replies to “good morning.”

“For him to respond, I know it probably sounds weird, but talking to the cat and him answering back is just amazing,” Javier added. “I’m like, ‘Oh, he really understands me!’ I never experienced anything like that.”

Having a loving animal like Kermit has changed Javier’s world for the better. The furry love bug even proved to be incredibly effective at dragging Javier out of his funk.

“I know it looks like I adopted Kermit, but I feel like he came into my life at the moment I needed him most. He’s somebody that I can always talk to and I’m not going to get any judgement from him,” he explained.

This is the sort of unconditional love that only animals can provide! What a special cat. We’re so glad he came into Javier’s life when he needed him the most.

Enjoy one more adorable video of Kermit talking to Javier, and don’t forget to share this heartwarming story.

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