These 16 People Asked The Wrong Guy To Edit Their Photos & We Can’t Stop Laughing.

James Fridman is probably some sort of undocumented genius.

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He’s something of a Photoshop wizard, and people often submit pictures to him for some expert tinkering, with specific requests for what they want changed. Well, maybe some of those requests could be a little more specific. But therein lies the genius: He takes those requests and twists them around to his own liking, resulting in some pretty hilarious “professional editing”hit jobs.

He’s a well-known troll, but a very likeable troll. Here’s hoping he’s around for a long, long time.

Enjoy this “best of”list– and please, people, be a little more precise about what, exactly, you want him to do.

1. “Can you erase the trash can from the picture?”


2. “Can you make it look like I’m fighting the goose?”


3. “Can you make me taller than my dad plz”


4. “Could you photoshop it so that he’s not dabbing anymore? Thanks!”


5. “Can you please close my girlfriend’s eyes in this picture?”


6. “Could you make it look like I’m kissing a dinosaur instead of the guy in white?”


7. “Can you make the monkey look as happy as her?”


8. “Will you please turn me into a mermaid?”


9. “Could you make the waterfall look bigger or closer please”


10. “Please could you do something the the lady in the background?”


11. “Can you edit this so the flamingo and trash can aren’t behind me?”


12. “Could u photoshop my face to first pic”


13. “Can you make it look like my girlfriend has caught a fish?”


14. “Can you please make it so the girl on the left isn’t staring at my husband and I?”


15. “Can you make it look like that guy isn’t staring at the back of my head?”

James Fridman

16. “Could you please remove the kid with glasses behind me?”

James Fridman

Ready to subject some of your own pics to this guy’s whim?

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