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Woman Gets Hilarious Surprise When She Looks At Her New Driver’s License Picture.

Driver’s license photos are known for being terrible. There’s just something about the drab fluorescent lighting and rushed nature of these DMV photo shoots that leaves most people looking washed out and puffy.

That’s why Jade Dodd of Tennessee didn’t expect a glamour shot when she received her renewed driver’s license in the mail. Still, when she opened the envelope and looked inside, she couldn’t help but laugh. Instead of her smiling face, the picture on her fresh new ID featured an empty chair.

After she stopped chuckling, Jade contacted the DMV to tell them about the error.

“The lady at the DMV did not really believe me when I was like, ‘Hey, I need my license fixed,'” she said. “Then she looked it up in the system and goes, ‘Oh, I need my manager for this.'”

The Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security has since determined that the mistake was the result of a software error. They gave her a new license right away, but not before Jade’s friends had plenty of fun creating memes and cracking jokes about the silly screwup.

“My boss thinks it’s funnier than anyone,” Jade said. “I was at work Friday and he pointed to a chair outside of his office door and was like, ‘I thought this was you, I waved at it this morning’ and I was like, ‘Thanks.'”

We all know mistakes happen, but this may be our favorite one! Share this story with someone who could use a smile today.

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