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Grocery Store Employee Notices Autistic Man Watching Him & Knows Just What To Do.

Jack Ryan Edwards, known as Ziggy to his family, is on the autism spectrum. One afternoon, Jack Ryan’s dad took the young man to a Rouses grocery store in their Baton Rouge, Louisiana neighborhood.

Trips to the store can be challenging for Jack Ryan, but at this particular visit, the family encountered a grocery store worker who made this ordinary shopping excursion one that they’ll never forget.


As Jack Ryan moved through the frozen food section of the store, he noticed a shop employee named Jordan Taylor stocking the shelves. Jack Ryan became fascinated with the rhythmic, repetitive movement of moving product from pallet to shelf, and as he stared at Jordan, the young worker took note.

“Something in the back of my mind was just like, ‘Ask if he wants to help you,'” Jordan said. Although Jack Ryan has trouble communicating, he cheerfully agreed. Jack Ryan’s father quickly began to record video and can be heard murmuring, “I’m watching a miracle in action” in the recording.


The videos show Jordan quietly working alongside Jack Ryan, handing him products and letting the young man place each object in its intended spot on the shelf. The patient, kind manner with which Jordan speaks to Jack Ryan is truly heartwarming.


When dad went home and showed the rest of his family how kindly Jack Ryan had been treated by the young store employee, Jack Ryan’s sister Delaney Alwosaibi knew she had to do something to recognize this generous act of kindness. Taking to her Facebook page, Delaney shared the videos and implored others to locate the helpful stock boy and heap praise upon him.

“I have two siblings with autism, Chase and Jack Ryan,” Delaney later explained. “Jack Ryan is 17 and struggles with communication and appropriate social interactions due to his diagnosis. His speech is limited, but the smile on his face while he was working with Jordan spoke all of the words he couldn’t say!”

Delaney went on to say that Jack Ryan isn’t always treated well when the family goes out in public, so having someone like Jordan go out of his way to engage him and be kind really meant a lot.

“We all know autism makes going out difficult, and sometimes grocery stores can be a challenge,” Delaney wrote. “This young man took the time to slow down and allow Jack Ryan to help for over 30 minutes, guiding him as he finished his task.”

“He could have ignored him. He could have made an excuse and said he couldn’t allow him to help. Instead, he let him have his moment and in turn gave my family a moment we will never forget.”

Once Jordan was identified as the man in the video, Delaney learned that he aspires to be a teacher someday. With his patience and sensitive nature, this career choice seems like a perfect fit, so Delaney decided to help him towards that goal by starting a GoFundMe.

Incredibly, the fundraiser brought in over $50,000 in less than two days, all from people who were impressed by Jordan’s actions!

grocer lets autistic man stock shelves

“I was just happy that I could make someone else happy and make their day,” Jordan said modestly.

Let’s all work to be more like Jordan! Just noticing others around you and meeting them where they are can change someone’s entire day… or even life.

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