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“Is This Divine Intervention?” Man Gets Letterman Jacket 28 Yrs After Ordering It.

When Jed Mottley ordered a letterman jacket in 1994, he was hopeful he’d actually be able to take it home one day – but he never imagined it would happen like this.

Back in the day, Jed was a high school football player, excited to finally own his very own letterman jacket. The only problem was that it cost $300, money that his single mother didn’t have at the time. Still, he ordered it and hoped they could make it work.

“Every week I’d say, ‘Hey can we go grab the jacket?’ And it’d be like, ‘Oh, next week,'” Jed said. “And here’s the thing, I was so embarrassed about it. I didn’t tell anybody.”

But with each passing week, the chance of picking up the jacket got slimmer and slimmer until, finally, it was clear that it wasn’t going to happen. It sounds like that would be the end of the letterman jacket story, but the conclusion wouldn’t actually come for 28 more years.

One day, Jed’s brother, Josh Mottley, was out thrift shopping. He stumbled across some letterman jackets, but one in particular stood out the most. He immediately contacted Jed.

“He goes, ‘Is there any chance I’m looking at your letterman jacket?’ I go, ‘No man, I don’t know if you remember, but mom couldn’t afford to pay for it and we never picked it up,'” Jed recalled.

Still confident that he had found his brother’s jacket, he sent Jed a picture, showing him that it had his name and the term “WR1” (wide receiver) on it. This was all the proof Jed needed to start “freaking out.”

But how did this miracle happen? It turns out, the business owner who made these jackets donated ones that were never picked up – thousands of them, in fact.

Although Jed and Josh’s mom passed away 9 years ago, long before this letterman jacket miracle occurred, the fact that it happened now feels like a message from her.

“Is this divine intervention? I don’t know,” Jed said. “It’s really fun to think about.”

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