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Internet Ablaze Over University Of Minnesota Dance Team’s Incredible Tribute To Aerosmith.

university of minnesota dance team

The 2024 College Dance Team National Championship has taken the internet by storm and the University of Minnesota just put on an unforgettable show. This crew took to the mats and performed a legendary rendition of Aerosmith’s hit, “Dream On.” It couldn’t have been more epic.

Each dance team puts on a two-minute routine, demonstrating extreme breadth and depth of dance skills. The emotionality of this University of Minnesota dance team performance was unmatched. The audience was completely overwhelmed with the power of the dance.

Aerosmith’s “Dream On” is an awesome choice to dance to. It picks up and continues increasing in intensity, translating to a dance performance with viewers on the edge of their seats.

University of Minnesota dance team
This image is from X.

“Holy. Crap. As a former competitive dancer, all I could do was stare with my mouth open in awe,” retweeted one of the many viewers of the clip.

The University of Minnesota dance team took second place with their Aerosmith “Dream On” performance. Clearly, the caliber of dancers was high — it’s hard to imagine anything beating this routine!

What an awesome show. It’s fun to see the internet rallying around an epic performance like this one.

The featured image for this post is from X.

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