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“I Want To Give Him A Hug.” Stranger Uses Ring Camera To Save Pets From Raging Fire.

man with his face blurred out standing on a front porch carrying a dog in his arms from the view point of a ring camera

Ring cameras can serve a lot of useful purposes, but this one may be a first.

Courtney and Tony Polito were having a great time on their family vacation when something on their front porch Ring camera caught their eye. It was a man they didn’t know, and it seemed as though something was wrong.

“I saw him running back and forth,” Courtney said. “So I answered it and he said, ‘Hello, do you see there’s smoke coming out of the top of your house?'”

Listening closer, she could make out the sound of the smoke alarm going off. Her mind immediately went to their pets: two dachshunds, a cat, and a rabbit. Hopeful that the kind stranger could help, Courtney gave him the code to get inside.

Not only did he successfully save all four beloved pets, he did so without any hesitation. The Polito family were absolutely blown away.

“It takes a special kind of person [to] go into a burning house to save animals,” Tony said.

The fire had started in the garage and, thanks to the unknown jogger’s timing, they were able to contain it to that very room. Plus, the damages were considerably minimal: smoke damage throughout the house, damaged cabinets, destroyed Christmas presents, and a damaged Chevy Blazer.

If 10 more minutes had passed, the house would have been gone.

“This is the first for our agency where someone uses a Ring doorbell system to alert 911 and the homeowners,” Scotts Valley Fire Battalion Chief, Andrew LoFranco, said.

There’s no doubt that the kind man who risked his own life deserves the recognition he’s getting, though it seems like we’ll never know his identity. He left before the Polito family could thank him, which is exactly why they’ve asked for any footage of him to blur out his face, to ensure he can maintain the privacy he seems to want.

That being said, Courtney would gladly thank him in person, should he ever choose to reveal himself.

“I want to give him a hug,” she said. “I’ll bring him to lunch. I’ll bring him dinner. I don’t know… I just want to thank him so much and let him know how thankful we are. My kids, my husband, we would be devastated if we lost our pets let alone our home.”

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