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Horribly Contagious Laughter Is the Best Medicine — This Talk Show Has Your Dosage!

Two women laughing uncontrollably

There are hundreds of documented scientific studies confirming that laughter is good for us. The Mayo Clinic states: “Laughter is a great form of stress relief, and that’s no joke.” Some of the short-term benefits can include stimulation of vital organs, such as the heart and lungs, relieving your stress response, and soothing tension. Long-term effects can include improvement in immune system functionality, pain relief, an increase in satisfaction, and general improvement of mood. Enjoying a good laugh can help relieve stress in the most intense situations.

Adding daily laughter to your routine can make you a healthier human. Laughter yoga is the practice of gathering in a group and just laughing. You may enter a group setting and not feel joyous, but within minutes you will find yourself laughing along with other participants.

Image shows three talk show participants laughing. There are images of animals behind each participant that match their unique style of laughter.
Image from YouTube.

In an effort to prove the contagious nature of laughter, the French talk show, “C’est mon choix” aired an episode featuring a panel of eight people with unique laughs. Each seated panelist was assigned an image of an animal or object. The premise was that the image most resembled the sound of their laughter. The images included a seagull, chicken, bike horn, pig, and even a car engine.

The show only aired in the French language and we were unable to locate a translated episode. However, you need not speak the language to understand the hilarity on the stage. One panelist attempts to keep a calm demeanor, but he eventually succumbs to the contagion. The laughter from the other guests is too much of a temptation. You can see the entire episode, in French, here.

Image shows a French comedian assisting with a laughter experiment on a French talk show.
Image from YouTube.

At the beginning of the full show, the host introduces a comedian. The panelists take seats on the stage, appearing somewhat confused. The comedian begins placing the images behind each panelist with assistance from the audience. Once the laughter starts, the entire panel erupts. It quickly becomes evident that some of the placards are in the wrong place. More laughter erupts, and it just keeps getting more outrageously hilarious!

If you don’t have time for the whole show, you can watch a brief clip here, but prepare to laugh… A LOT.

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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