Homeless Hero Saves Victims Of Manchester Bombing, Then Rich Man Takes To Internet To Track Him Down.

Two days later, we’re all still reeling from the shock of Monday night’s attack in Manchester. Seemingly one of the most innocent places– an Ariana Grande concert for primarily teen and pre-teen girls– became the target of a horrific attack claiming the lives of 22 innocents and injuring dozens more.

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In the wake of such a tragedy, it’s easy to despair. But among the horrific scenes are stories of hope, of “the helpers” who rush into danger to save complete strangers.

One such story is of Stephen Jones, a 35-year-old homeless man who is being hailed as a hero after he ran into the crowd of panicked concert-goers and pulled the injured to safety.

CBS News

Stephen was formerly a bricklayer but has been sleeping rough on the streets of Manchester for more than a year.

On Monday night, he recalls witnessing concert-goers pouring from the arena out onto the street in a panic; he heard the screams and saw the blood and knew he had to help.

He ran into the fray, carrying the injured to safety and pulling nails and glass from victims.

Soon after, David Sullivan, co-chairman of West Ham United FC– a professional football club– saw the video above detailing Jones’ heroics.

9 News

Sullivan and his son decided they needed to do something for the brave man. They agreed to go 50/50 on a big gift for Jones.

With the help of big-hearted strangers online, Sullivan and son tracked down Jones via social media and offered him free rent for six months.

Stephen has been overwhelmed by all of the people showing their gratitude, but he never did it for any reward. For him, it was just a matter of being human.

“I wouldn’t have been able to live with myself if I’d just walked away.”

Share Stephen’s incredible story today.

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