Ho, Ho, Who? Nobody Knows Where Mysterious Inflatable Santa Claus Came From.

View of the mysterious inflatable Santa that showed up in a Texas neighborhood. For scale, two kids stand and smile at the feet of the inflatable, and their heads appear to line up with the top of the shoes.

There are folks who enjoy decorating for the holiday season, then there are those who truly go all out. Still, there are very few people, myself included, who can compete with the mysterious folks who set up a massive inflatable Santa Clause in this Texas neighborhood. Truly, it seems as though the size of this decor can’t be fully appreciated unless seen in person.

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Still, there’s plenty of video footage and photos that do a rather good job at conveying the scale of the inflatable. That’s because the residents of the neighborhood simply can’t get over this delightful surprise. Because, truly, none of them have any idea how this thing got here.

Side-view of the massive inflatable Santa placed in a Texas neighborhood. Nearby is a house.

The inflatable was set up on an empty lot, only adding to the mystery of who could have done it.

“Nobody lives on this lot, so we don’t know who installed Santa,” Marsha Daugherty, one of the residents said. “But isn’t that fun?”

Mysterious Inflatable Santa Draws a Crowd in Texas Neighborhood

Neighbors aren’t the only ones having fun with this festive surprise — folks from all around the city are flocking to check out this unusually massive Santa. In fact, some kiddos find themselves regularly stopping by for a visit.

“I was shocked when I first saw it and I thought it was so big,” Nate Navetta, a kid from the neighborhood said. “My family and I like to drive by it at night.”

“He’s definitely coming to our neighborhood, and he’s never going to miss my house,” Eva Navetta, his sister, added.

View of the mysterious inflatable Santa that showed up in a Texas neighborhood. For scale, two kids stand and smile at the feet of the inflatable, and their heads appear to line up with the top of the shoes.

Then there are those who are happily sharing the photos they capture with this local celebrity of sorts.

“We found the huge Santa,” Kristen Swinney shared on Facebook along with the above photo. “… The kids loved it!”

There’s no telling if or when the mysterious folks who set up the inflatable Santa will reveal themselves but, in any case, I’m sure countless people will continue to enjoy his presence and share their festive photos with him online.

Watch the video below to see more of the mysterious inflatable Santa in this festive Texas neighborhood.

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here!

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