Mom Finds 25 Mysterious Hand-Crafted Dolls On Porch – But Anonymous Note Has Her Beaming.

A Canadian mom got the surprise of her life when she opened her front door to find a letter with her name on it alongside 25 hand-made dolls.

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The dolls were handcrafted, beautiful, and each one was uniquely designed. But there was one detail that made these dolls especially meaningful: each one wore a hijab.


The anonymous letter that accompanied the dolls explained why they’d been left of Sheza’s porch:

Dear Sheza,

I noticed that dolls wearing Hijabs seem hard to find, so I made 25 simple ones. Not being part of the Muslim community myself, I’m not sure who to give them to, but I thought you might.

Just to note, they come from a house with cats. Also, because they are handmade, they should be checked from time to time for seam tears (I’m paranoid).

Thank you for all you do, and for being the wonderful person you are.

Sheza, who is Muslim and wears a hijab herself, was blown away.

“A wonderful soul anonymously dropped off this super sweet package on my porch today,” she wrote on Facebook. “This warmed my heart and reminded me that there are ALWAYS more good people out there than the other kind.”


Some gestures touch you deep into your soul. This was one of those for me. For some one to recognize me, my religion, and to give us agency herein. I felt acknowledged. And accepted. And welcomed.

Thank you to the wonderful person who dropped this off to me… When being ourselves – a seemingly simple idea – seems like the toughest thing to accomplish, gestures like this reach out to us and provide the strength we need to carry on.

The story is going viral, with people around the world praising the anonymous neighbor:




Sheza says she plans to donate the dolls to a classroom or library rather than giving them to individual children. That way, they can be seen and enjoyed by many.

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