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Heroic Corrections Officer Plunges Into Frigid Lake To Pluck Woman From Submerged Car.

Anthony Gaudet rescue hero

Anthony Gaudet prides himself on being of service to others.

As an officer with the Tennessee Department of Correction, the Powell, Tennessee husband and father says there’s no bigger honor for him than saving another person’s life. Recently, that philosophy was put to the test when Anthony happened to drive by the scene of a potentially deadly accident.

Anthony and his brother were driving on a Sunday afternoon when they spotted a red sedan partially submerged in Melton Lake. They immediately pulled over, and his brother reported seeing a woman in the passenger seat of the car. Seeing no emergency personnel on the scene, Anthony didn’t hesitate. He quickly emptied his pockets and ran into the freezing-cold lake, swimming about 100 yards to reach the car.

Once he got to her, Anthony helped the woman climb out of the window and swim back to shore. Other people passing by had stopped to help, so they rushed to pull Anthony and the victim from the water and get her warmed up.

The rescue came just in the nick of time.

“As soon as she got out of the vehicle, the vehicle tipped forward and sunk right to the bottom,” Anthony recalled.

The victim went to the hospital, and Anthony later visited her with flowers and a get well card. Her family was grateful for his bravery, but Anthony says he was just happy to be in the right place at the right time.

“A lot of people have dealt with loss, and to be able to prevent that, there’s absolutely no bigger high for me,” he said. “As long as somebody is safe, I have no problem putting myself in harm’s way.”

Spoken like a true hero! Anthony acted selflessly to make sure another family didn’t have to suffer a tragic loss. We are so grateful for his service to others.

Share this story to thank Anthony for taking the plunge to help a stranger in need.

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