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Girl Was Born With Heart Outside Of Chest, Her Story Of Triumph Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes.

If doctors said your child had a 1 in 1,000,000 chance to survive, how would you react? Dari Goncharov and her 6-year-old daughter Virsaviya are here to let you know, no matter the odds, to keep on fighting.

Virsaviya has an extreme case of the disorder known as Pantalogy of Cantrell that affects 1 in 1,000,000 children. Her heart and intestines have been pushed outside of her chest and are protected by only a thin layer of skin.  Most children with this disorder don’t even live through the birthing process.

And that’s what doctors told Dari: her daughter would never live outside the womb. But the vivacious kindergartner is now 6 years into a beautiful life… and hoping that it will get even better through approaching medical procedures.



A Crowdfunding Campaign to help cover medical expenses has been set up for Virsaviya, raising over $27,000 in a few short weeks.



Virsaviya doesn’t let anything get in the way of her zest for life. She loves dolphins, ponies, singing, dancing, drawing, and Beyonce. No matter what happens, she feels there’s a reason for her condition and is determined to live like it. “I know why I have heart outside, because Jesus want to show that he can make special things like me,” she told NBC news.



As Virsaviya and her mom would be sure to tell you, no matter the odds keep on fighting.

Check out an update to her beautiful story below!

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