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“He Was Screaming For Help.” Hockey Player Rushes To Save Boys Who Fell Through Ice.

Cody Hemberger hero

When the temperatures drop, some people just can’t wait to get outdoors!

Sixteen-year-old high school sophomore Cory Hemberger is a goalie for his high school hockey team, so cold weather doesn’t bother him too much. On a chilly Saturday in February, Cory and his friend Shawn Miller were practicing on Yardley pond in Pennsylvania when they heard someone shouting for help.

Two 13-year-old boys had been playing next to the nearby pond. When a basketball went flying onto the ice, one of the teens went after it. Unfortunately the ice was thin, and it gave way with a sickening crack. The boy plunged into the icy water. When his friend tried to help him get out, the friend fell in, too.

“He was screaming for help,” Cory recalled. “His friend tried to help him and he ended up going in with him.” Without thinking of his own safety, Cory ran to help them.

“I was kind of just in the moment,” he said. “My adrenaline was going. My heart was pumping, so I just went for it and just hoped God was with me.”

That’s when Cory’s hockey stick came in handy! Cory stood at the edge of the ice with his stick extended. He could hear the ice cracking beneath his weight, so he knew he had to act fast before he went in too. Moments later the boys were about to grasp Cory’s stick so he could pull them out of the water to safety!

Both of the boys were shaken to the core by the experience, but apart from needing to get dry and warm, they were fine. Now, Cory is being hailed a hero by everyone in his small town. Funnily enough, his own mother didn’t realize her son had saved lives until she saw a post on Facebook.

Lisa Hemberger says she was perusing Facebook when she saw a post from one of the rescued teens’ moms that said, “All superheroes don’t wear capes, some play ice hockey.” When she read the post, she couldn’t believe her eyes – that hero is her son! She reached out to let her know it was Cory, but Cory declined any form of payment or reward.

“I said, ‘I don’t need anything,'” Cory said. “Because I know if I was in that situation, I would want somebody to help me too.”

Spoken like a true hero! Thank goodness Cory was at the pond with his trusty hockey stick that day. This is a good reminder for all outdoorsy types to keep an eye on ice thickness and be wary on frozen surfaces.

Share this story to give Cory a virtual high five for his quick thinking and impeccable hockey stick skills.

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