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This Stunning Blue Forest In Belgium Looks Like Something Straight Out Of A Fairy Tale.

Some places are so gorgeous it’s hard to believe they’re real.

Hallerbos, also known as the Blue Forest, would certainly be the perfect setting for a fairy tale. Every spring, tourists and photographers flock to Halle, Belgium, to witness the area’s breathtaking sea of blooms.

hallerbos forest belgium

From April to May, millions of bluebell flowers blossom across the forest’s 1,360 acres, covering the ground in a carpet of brilliant blue and violet.


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Visitors can stroll along the paths for miles and immerse themselves in the unique beauty of Hallerbos.

That said, the Belgian forest isn’t the only one of its kind. Other bluebell woods can be found in Great Britain, Ireland, and other parts of Europe, but Hallerbos is among the most well-known because of its dense floral carpet. If you have any doubts, you just have to look at one breathtaking photo!

hallerbos forest belgium
Florian van Hunnik

Another interesting fact about Hallerbos is that while the forest is ancient, its beech trees are not.

German forces cut most of them down during World War I. Belgium began replanting everything in 1930 – a massive reforestation effort that lasted 20 years.

hallerbos forest belgium
Luc. T

Today, the thriving plants reach toward the sky, creating a canopy of leaves that allows the bluebells to flourish during warm months.

What a spectacular sight! It’s no wonder travel sites encourage visitors to arrive early to beat the crowds!

hallerbos forest belgium

Looks like we’ve added a new place to our travel bucket list! We’d love to hop on a flight to Belgium right now, but until we can, we’ll settle for marveling over these dreamy pictures.

Be sure to share this story with your friends so they can appreciate the beauty of the Blue Forest.

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