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20 Photos Of Grown Men Acting Like Little Children

men acting like kids

They say that growing old is mandatory, but growing up is optional.

Some men are so young at heart, they can’t help but act like big kids under certain circumstances. They can be the most mature, well-adjusted guys in the world, but when the opportunity to channel their inner 9-year-old pops up, they suddenly let those inner children out to play! The fellows below were all caught acting like kids again, and quite frankly, they’re adorable.

1. “My 32 yr old husband playing in his new pool. We don’t have kids btw.”

men acting like kids

2. “Had sparklers at my wedding reception last night. I think they won over my father-in-law.”

men acting like kids

3. “During a 12 hour flight delay my boyfriend wandered off. When I found him he was in the middle of a Pixar movie marathon with a group of 5 year olds. He’s the one for me.”

men acting like kids

4. “My buddy wins Fathers Day today: ‘I woke up today with a missed call from my mom and about 15 tags to beat the cheerio stack record. 10 hours later it has been broken.'”

men acting like kids

5. “I did laundry at my parents house and my dad found my onesie.”

men acting like kids

6. “My brother really wanted to swim with his turtle.”

men acting like kids

7. “My lady friend wanted a piggy back picture on the beach and a random biker watching the sunset said he wanted one too.”

men acting like kids

8. “Some people never grow up.”

men acting like kids

9. “We’re adults and we get to decide what that means: The Home Depot Edition.”

men acting like kids

10. “My dad thought he was home alone. I had to see why he was laughing so hard.”

men acting like kids

11. “Today my boyfriend bought a label maker…”

men acting like kids

12. “My Dad got his head stuck in the porch yesterday whilst trying to feed a dead bee to a spider that lives in the bushes…”

men acting like kids

13. “My boyfriend’s new favorite game – Machine Gun Kitten.”

men acting like kids

14. “Sister texted me saying she lost her husband at Babies R Us. 20 minutes later, she found him.”

men acting like kids

15. “I could never game because of my toddler son so I finally bought a play pen.”

men acting like kids

16. “It stormed during the eclipse so my dad improvised.”

men acting like kids

17. “Just when I think my boyfriend is a grown up…”

men acting like kids

18. “My mom made the kids dinosaur tails for Christmas but they don’t fit around adult waists…”

men acting like kids

19. “My ex used to call me a ‘man-child.'”

men acting like kids

20. “Saw this man sneakily blowing bubbles in the train station. When I made eye contact with him and smiled, he came up to me and whispered, ‘No one suspects the adult.'”

men acting like kids

Never change, guys. There’s a big difference between being “child-like” and childish!

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