Mom On 10th Floor Of Apartment Fire Screams “Catch The Baby,” Then Bystanders Witness A Miracle.

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The world watched in horror as a massive fire engulfed the Grenfell Tower in London leaving 17 dead and 78 wounded according to latest estimates. The flames ripped through the 24 story high-rise that housed nearly over 100 families with a terrifying ferocity while many around the world watched and prayed for the people left inside.

Samira Lamrani stood at the base of the building when a woman appeared on the ‘9th or 10th floor’ holding her baby wrapped in a bed sheet. As the flames marched on and smoke began to fill the flat, the woman yelled with all her might, “I’m about to throw my baby. Please catch the baby!â€

After a moment’s hesitation, the desperate mother dropped her child who fell over 100 feet toward the crowd waiting below.

A man, who has yet to be identified, sprinted toward the building where he managed to catch the falling child before it struck the ground. There is no word whether the child’s mother survived the night, but the little one has been taken to a local hospital and is in stable condition.

But that wasn’t the only incredible story.

Another man, Shakhaib Neda, 24, carried his own mother down 24 flights of stairs on his back to get her to safety.

There were also 200 firefighters that risked their lives over and over again, to rescue those still inside Grenfell Tower.

Dany Cotton, the London Fire Commissioner, told Sky News: “They were in and out of that building, committing time after time to rescue the people we knew were in there. There was never any hesitation.”

Cotton went on to say that the fire was ‘the worst thing’ she’d ever seen… ‘beyond belief.’

Firefighters managed to douse the blaze, which started in the early morning hours of June 14th… but their ordeal, and that of the families affected, is far from over.

The fire is thought to be started by a faulty refrigerator, but we will know more in the coming days.

When faced with such a tragedy, we are all reminded of our shared humanity and the necessity to come together as one. As the death toll continues to rise, so will the prayers and well wishes from millions across the world as we collectively morn such a tragic loss of life.

If you’d like to directly help provide for survivors and their families, you can donate directly to the relief effort here.

Share in honor of those that lost their lives and the heroes that saved them.

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