Grandma With Alzheimer’s Re-Meets Her Granddaughter Every Day & It’s The Sweetest.

setsuko grandma

Few things are sweeter than watching a grandparent meet their grandchild for the first time. It’s an interaction that Christine Stone witnesses between her daughter and mother over and over again.

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Christine’s 77-year-old mother has Alzheimer’s, meaning each time she meets her new granddaughter, Sadie Mae, it feels like the first. But it never gets old for the new mom and new grandmother – Christine delights in watching Setsuko’s reaction and her mom beams with joy at every meeting.


Sadie Mae was born back in October and just about four hours after her birth, Christine invited her mom into her hospital room. It’s the true first time they’re ever meeting and after getting over the initial shock and disbelief, Christine’s mom quickly becomes captivated by the adorable baby.


And the same look of delight comes over her face every time she meets the tiny baby. She holds Sadie’s tiny fingers, sings her lullabies, and tells her daughter how cute the baby is. “You are lucky!”she says to Christine at one point, upon learning the baby is her daughter’s.


And she’s right – Sadie Mae is absolutely precious, with a full head of hair and chubby little cheeks. We can’t help but feel like baby Sadie herself is also a lucky one in this situation, after experiencing the unfaltering love her grandmother displays for her.

“My mom loves her,”Christine told the Today Show. “It’s put some pep in her step.â€

Watch a beautiful compilation video of Setsuko meeting her granddaughter time and again. It stands as a reminder that we should never take a single moment for granted; a baby is truly a gift to this world.

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