Grandchild Shares Endearing Stories Of All The Wacky Animals Her Grandparents Brought Home.

animals grandpa brought home

A TikToker took to social media to share the hilarious and sweet saga of “Incomplete List of the Animals my Grandpa brought home over the course of his 67-year marriage to Grandma.”

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It’s long and odd. Here’s the list for yourself!

1. “Annabell, a solid white and completely deaf pit bull that used to let mom draw on her belly.”

2. “The World’s Ugliest Tom Cat, who turned out to be the cuddliest teddy bear of an animal.”

3. “Cocker spaniel named ‘Captain.'”

cocker spaniel
Photo by Johann from Pexels.

4. “Stupid, the Cat.”

5. “Litter of baby raccoons.”

6. “Three more cats.”

trio of cats
Photo by Selçuk Çalışır from Pexels.

7. “A completely bald and anxious canary that sang beautifully, but only at 4 AM.”

8. “Baby Squirrel that grew up in the house and then refused to move out.”

9. “A Genuine Thoroughbred Racehorse who was a spectacular athlete but had a habit of running races in the wrong direction. Benny turned out to be a terrific trail horse instead.”

running horse
Photo by Milena de Narvaez Ayllon from Pexels.

10. “Turtle.”

11. “Snapping Turtle.”

12. “A bucket full of 43 goldfish left over from the fair. Mom counted once they were all in the bathtub in the backyard with the snapping turtle.”

goldfish in a bag
Photo by MART PRODUCTION from Pexels.

13. “Another cocker spaniel named ‘Major,” who had a tremendous talent of eating green beans silently.”

14. “Red-tailed hawk he found on the highway, and successfully nursed back to health.”

15. “Dummy, Son of Stupid.” (See List Item #4)

silly kitten
Photo by Cong H from Pexels.

16. “Strange, the dog that lived under the porch and only came into the house at night.”

17. “Spooky, an alleged dog.”

18. “An ‘abandoned’ baby deer.”

baby deer
Photo by Jonah C from Pexels.

19. “Joey, the parakeet whose tricks were drinking tea out of a tiny cup, threatening to peck out people’s eyes, and wearing hats.”

20. “A Really Big Toad he found behind the factory, because the other auto workers were discussing using it for target practice. Mr. Grumptiy was guardian of the rosebed for several years and granny’s (his mother) favorite animal he ever brought home.”

21. “Gretchen, a St. Bernard that had to be shaved from her prior owner’s neglect, and spent a week hiding from sight with such success in the house that they thought she’d run away.”

saint bernard dog
Photo by adrian vieriu from Pexels.

22. “Arson, Burglary, and Murder, three frankly adorable kittens. They did not change the names, much to the regret of the cop who lived three doors down.”

23. “Yet another Cocker Spaniel, named ‘Colonel.'”

24. “Cardinal (bird).”

cardinal bird
Photo by Tina Nord from Pexels.

25. “Canada Goose (Demon).”

26. “Once in the nursing home, he had a ‘pet’ 12-point whitetail buck that would come to his window to be fed corn and get headskritches, inexplicably named ‘Florence.'”

Grandpa and Grandma had an amazingly successful marriage, providing a home for dozens of animals. In fact, “the marriage only ended because their time on Earth did. He never kept an animal Grandma wouldn’t allow and, if anything, she was worse about it.”

“She was the one who brought home a tarantula,” the post concludes.

Let this story be an inspiration: love and generosity make some great lives and some even better stories.

The featured images for this post are from Pexels (here and here).

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