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Got Snow? Strangers Rally To Give Dying Dog 1 Last Taste Of Winter.

Brooke the Bernese Mtn Dog lying in a man made snow pile before her death.

Without a doubt, the worst thing about loving an animal is having to say goodbye.

A Canadian man recently shared the story of his beloved Bernese Mountain Dog, Brooke, on a Calgary forum on Reddit. Brooke first came into his life via his girlfriend whose family had raised the dog from puppyhood. Then, at almost 12 years old, Brooke received a terminal prognosis for her cancer.

The man described the close bond he and his girlfriend shared with Brooke and the heartfelt sentiments struck a chord with many of his fellow Redditors.

“She was our absolute world, everything revolved around her, and we wouldn’t have it any other way,” he wrote.

He went on to describe how she loved long walks, rolling in grass and snow, and paddle-boarding. She had her own spot on the family sofa during movie nights, and they always kept their home as cool as possible due to her thick fur coat.

Brooke was a huge part of their family, so when the vet said she might have just days to live, they knew they had to make her last moments as full and special as possible. For starters, their winter-loving girl needed a pile of snow to roll in, one last time!

The only problem? It was August, and there was no natural snow to be found. Still, he took a stab in the dark and shared Brooke’s story on Reddit, along with an unusual request.

closeup of a shovel carrying away snow from a pile of snow on the ground.
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“Our 11.5 year old Berner has a couple days left,” he wrote. “She loves snow, but isn’t going to make it to winter. Does anyone know of any rinks or anything that has a good pile of snow behind them so she can go lay on the snow one last time?

The post opened a floodgate of emotions for his fellow Redditors. People were quick to offer condolences and suggestions, while others shared stories of completing their own pets’ “bucket lists.” Most importantly, someone at the Bowness Sports Plex saw his message and immediately started gathering snow outside the ice rink, making a nice big pile for Brooke.

That very day, Brooke played in the snow, just as she had for the past 11 winters. She thoroughly enjoyed her snow bath, and her family followed it up with lots of bacon treats, some paddle-boarding down the river, and time with her loved ones.

Later that day, she passed away peacefully in her shady front yard with her family by her side.

In a follow-up post, the man said he and his girlfriend cried like never before, but they were incredibly moved and comforted by the outpouring of support from total strangers on the internet.

“I can’t tell you all how much I appreciate everything you have said here,” he wrote. “My girlfriend and I have read over all your kind messages so many times and they always bring us both to tears. Honestly it helps so much knowing that literally dozens of people out there expressed their compassion and sympathy to us.”

Rest in peace, sweet Brooke. We’re so happy these kind people were able to grant your one last wish. We’ll think of you whenever we see snow piles this winter!

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