Gen X Dad Answers His Son’s Questions About The 80s With “Totally Tubular” Videos.

Ah, the 80s! Life was simpler back then. Those of us who had the pleasure of growing up pre-internet still recall the blissful days when our biggest problem was burning our legs on a metal slide.

Videos by InspireMore

TikTok dad Justin H. is a proud member of Generation X. When his 8-year-old son asked him what it was like growing up in the 1980s, he made two videos that are really resonating with other parents his age. In just a few minutes he manages to cover a lot of bases, from making a movie library consisting of hand-labeled VHS tapes recorded directly off the airwaves, to the very real struggle of re-coiling a cassette tape.

In a follow-up video, Justin delved even further into 80s nostalgia, covering topics like cars with ashtrays, libraries, phone booths, and our favorite, awesome 80s music. Speaking of which, the soundtrack to both videos is “Everybody Wants to Rule the World” by Tears For Fears. Total flashback!

We’d say Justin nailed it, wouldn’t you? Gen Xers, we may be the “forgotten” generation, but we got to experience life “before it was cool.”

Share this story with a Gen X parent who understands how “totally tubular” the 80s really were.

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