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Froggy Faux Pas: Woman Shares Hilarious Run-In While Putting Up Fall Decor.

frog jump

Fall is a magical time. The leaves are changing, the weather starts to have a crisp edge to it, and the frogs are jumping on your face. Wait, what?! 

For one mother, that silly statement was the reality! 

frog gets ready to jump

Begin scene — we see Kreyann Johnson, baby Berkley on hip, a box of decorations in one hand and a decoration in the other. As we watch, Kreyann works to secure a few rather lovely-looking fall decorations. Meanwhile, a wiley little bystander lurks on a wall nearby. 

As we watch, a little frog crawls their way up the wall. Once they reache eye-level, Kreyann even glances at the frog for a moment before going back to decorating. As a few seconds pass, you can see the gears turning in the frog’s head. “What a lovely floral arrangement,” froggy probably thinks to himself. 

The little one begins to pivot, and you can just see they’re gearing up for a big hop.

frog jumping

Our too-friendly frog finally makes the leap, and if you slow the video you can see that the frog lands directly on Kreyann’s face! Her reaction would make any mother proud. Not only does she not drop her baby, but she also keeps her grip on the box of decorations as well! 

frog landed on face

When Kreyann shared the video on her TikTok page, she probably didn’t imagine that over a million people would end up viewing it! Though she was put in an undoubtedly uncomfortable and shocking situation, Kreyann was obviously able to see the humor in the debacle and decided to share it online so others could enjoy as well. 

By sharing her fall decorating “fail” she has now brought a smile to millions of people! So go ahead and watch, and feel free to give a chuckle or two!   

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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