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Who Needs TV When You’ve Got A Family Of Foxes Living In Your Front Yard?

mama fox and her babies in front yard.

Sometimes Mother Nature provides the best entertainment imaginable.

It was a Ring doorbell that first clued Lindsay Valentine into the fact that her front lawn was about to become a real-life Disney movie. It started when one bright red fox set off the motion detecting camera, and within a day her yard was inundated with small, gray bundles of fur!

As an animal lover, Lindsay was delighted to host the fox family! She realized the mother fox had built a den right under her front porch, so she stopped using her front door entirely. She spent the next few weeks capturing adorable videos of the foxes playing, eating, and generally ignoring her existence in spite of their proximity.

She estimates there were about nine fox kits, but getting an accurate headcount wasn’t easy!

While she was careful not to interfere or disturb the animals, she did put out fresh drinking water for them. She also threw out a few toys for the babies to play with.

“Mom wasn’t scared of me for some reason,” she told The Dodo about the mother fox. “I didn’t invade their space, though, so I assume she didn’t find me threatening. So every day for a few hours, Mom would sit in the yard and keep watch, and the babies would play in what was my old garden.”

Thanks to mama fox’s hunting skills, Lindsay’s yard was definitely free of pests! She admits that the foxes turned her yard into a small animal cemetery, but she didn’t even mind because seeing the little hunters up close was such a special experience.

As the fox kits got bigger, they started coming around Lindsay’s yard less and less. She still sees them once in a while, and she’s glad to have been a part of their world for a brief time.

It’s not every day that you get a front-row seat to a growing family of wild animals! We’re glad Lindsay shared this unique experience with the world.

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