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Florida Police Offer Some “Gator Aid” When A Nuisance Alligator Torments A 104-Year-Old’s Home

officer gator

Two police officers in Florida served and protected a 104-year-old when he helped wrangle a 5-foot-long gator.

According to Fox News, the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office got a call from a resident who was “afraid to leave her house due to the alligator.” So Officer Jeff Kopp, his partner, and a licensed trapper named Mike Dragich headed out to the home.

The department posted a video of the silly pursuit to its Facebook page. It shows Officer Kopp making an arrest while cracking some jokes.

“Oh, hey, buddy! You are under arrest,” he says as he holds the wiggling reptile.

Jacksonville police capturing  gator

The camera caught Officer Kopp showing off the gator as he headed back to his truck where he gave the “nuisance” a strong talking to.

Offcier Kopp

“We can’t cuff him,” the officer said. “You are under arrest. You’re going to leave the grandmas alone. I’m going to take you downtown. Let’s go.”

People Watch Officer Wrangle Gator And Offer Jokes Of Their Own

In the video’s comments, people are offering some hilarious jokes of their own.

“Looking like a little Resisting w/ Violence & Assault on LEO to me,” a commenter laughed. “Straight to jail!”

“That’s a spicy lizard,” added another. “Appreciate what y’all do.”

“The nice policeman is offering some gator aid,” someone cleverly joked.

“LMAO he’s having the time of his life,” a watcher pointed out.

Officer Kopp, of course, didn’t book the annoyed gator. Instead, Mike drove him out to a location better suited for him. The post notes that the gator is “alive and well” in his new surroundings. The department also shared that the heroic reptile trapping was “all in a day’s work.”

Head to Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office’s Facebook page to watch the entire clip.

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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