Firefighters Surprise Family With Truck Full Of Christmas Gifts After They Lost Their Home To Fire.

North Carolina mom stands next to a firefighter vehicle wrapped in an American Red Cross blanket. One firefighter is handing a toy to another firefighter.

The holidays are meant to be a joyful time spent with family and loved ones. That’s why, despite experiencing a Christmas fire, this North Carolina family continues to be grateful. It all started with a fire in a storage unit that’s connected to their home.

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Soon enough, it spread to the attic. Justin, who is a teenager, was asleep around this time. Soon enough, though, something alerted him to the fact that there was danger.

Three firefighters walk around outside of a home that was just on fire.

Christmas Fire Threatens to Destroy Family’s Holiday

“I looked out the kitchen window, and I started seeing smoke,” Justin recalls of the 2019 incident.

As terrifying as this realization must have been, thankfully, firefighters hurried to his family’s home to save the day. Although the home was damaged, and many gifts were lost, everyone was safe. That is what this tight-knit family chose to focus on.

A woman, a teen boy, and a his mom stand side by side outside. The teen is talking.

Still, Justin’s little sister wanted to know if she had any gifts left. Mom told her she’d have to check, no doubt concerned about how much she had lost. Luckily, this little girl was guaranteed a Christmas gift on an otherwise chaotic Christmas day, all thanks to these generous firefighters.

They had leftover toys from their holiday donation drive, so they looked through and found ones that a 4-year-old little girl might like.

North Carolina mom stands next to a firefighter vehicle wrapped in an American Red Cross blanket. One firefighter is handing a toy to another firefighter.

“The fires service never stops,” one firefighter says. “So, Christmas day is especially tough when you see a family displaced.”

To say that Mom and the rest of her family are grateful would be an understatement.

“I thank God that everyone made it out of the house,” she says. “It’s not a good thing [the fire], but it’s not a bad thing at all. So, I just appreciate everybody.”

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here!

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