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Farm Staff Can’t Believe It When Video Reveals Who’s Been Letting Sheep Out Of Pen.

lucy the sheep about to escape from her paddock

Thanks to a newly-installed video security camera, staff members at Whitehouse Farm Centre have solved a mystery that has been bothering them for weeks!

Whitehouse Farm Centre is the largest family-run farm attraction in Northumberland, England. The friendly staff welcomes school groups, families, and other visitors to their 40-acre property which houses a wide variety of animals. Visitors learn how to handle, feed, and care for exotic animals as well as more domestic animals like Lucy, a Leicester sheep who lives on site.

Recently, Lucy and the other two ewes she shares a pen with have been getting loose at night. The befuddled workers couldn’t figure out who was unlatching the gate to let the sheep out, so they set up a camera. The results were very revealing! It turns out, it was Lucy herself leading the charge!

Watch the video below to see the clever girl working the latch like a pro, and don’t forget to share.

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