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“If She Wasn’t There, I’d Be Dead.” DoorDasher’s Delivery Turns Into Lifesaving Rescue.

a line of 9 people gathered for a photo as sophia receives her life saving award.

Sophia Furtado insists she’s not a hero. Caryn Hebert Sullivan, however, insists she wouldn’t be alive if fate hadn’t brought Sophia to her door one February night.

Sophia was delivering for DoorDash in West Island Fairhaven, Massachusetts when she got a last-minute call to deliver to Caryn’s home. It was her last delivery of the night, and she showed up at the house around 10 P.M.

Caryn was recovering from an injury to her arm and knee. She’d been waiting for her dinner to arrive on the front porch when her knee suddenly gave out. She fell down a short flight of stairs and, in doing so, smacked her head hard.

“I just remember laying on my driveway thinking, ‘This is pretty much over,’ Caryn recalled. “I was laying there and saw a lot of white clouds.”

By the time Sophia arrived, she found Caryn bleeding and unconscious. Without thinking, Sophia burst into action.

Using what she learned in EMT training, Sophia quickly assessed the scene and ran inside the house. First, she woke up Caryn’s husband who had dozed off on the couch. Next, she called 911, wrapped Caryn in a blanket, and applied pressure to her head wound.

The driver kept Caryn stable and updated first responders by phone the entire time. When paramedics arrived, they rushed Caryn to the hospital for emergency surgery to repair several brain bleeds. She spent three weeks in the hospital recovering.

According to the Fairhaven Police Department, “The attending doctor was adamant that had there been any delay in her care she would have succumbed to her injuries.”

In other words, authorities point to Sophia’s quick and decisive actions for saving Caryn’s life.

Months later, Caryn was able to meet Sophia and thank her in person when the Fairhaven Police Department honored her with a Life Saving Award for “her courageous actions that directly resulted in a life saved.”

“I am so thankful for her, she’s my guardian angel,” said Caryn. “Thank God she was there, if she wasn’t there, I’d be dead.”

Sophia also received a $1,000 education grant from DoorDash along with the offer of a discounted rate for GMEC-EMT, an accredited training institution for EMS professionals. DoorDash also provided lunch for the police department and Sophia and Caryn’s families.

We’re not sure if Sophia will decide to become an EMT after this experience, but authorities say she’s “got what it takes” if she does! In any case, this whole ordeal left Sophia with a new appreciation for how fleeting life can be.

“Never in a million years would I ever imagine this happening,” Sophia wrote on Facebook. “At the end of the day, I’m thankful Caryn made it. She’s now able to go home and be with her family. I’m NO hero, I did what I thought was the right thing to do. It’s definitely an eye opener knowing how quick life can take its course and how fast things can happen.”

Sophia was definitely at the right place at the right time! It seems like fate, and we’re sure Caryn agrees.

Share this story to thank Sophia for delivering a lot more than just food that night.

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