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Don’t Miss These Last Stargazing Events Of The Year!

meteor shower

As 2023 winds down, the heavens have a few more surprises for us stargazers. From well-known meteor showers to a brand-new celestial event, there’s still time to witness the wonders of the universe before the year ends. So, pack your telescope, layer up, and prepare for some heavenly goodbyes to 2023.

1. The Regular but Sometimes Wild Leonids

November 17-18
The Leonids are your steady friend who occasionally bursts into a surprise talent show. With an average of 15 meteors per hour, they’re a modest affair. But remember: every 33 years, this friend goes all out with a meteor extravaganza. The last epic show was in 2001, so keep an eye on future dates!

night sky featuring a meteor shower

2. The Mysterious Debutante: A Fresh Meteor Shower

December 11-12
It’s like the mysterious new student in school; nobody knows what to expect. Bill Cooke from NASA’s Meteoroid Environment Office describes it as a “totally new meteor shower.” Its spectacle is yet to be determined, but you’ll want to pay attention, particularly if you’re in Asia or along the Pacific coasts. Even the U.S. West Coast might get a glimpse.

3. The Always-Lively Geminids

December 13-14
Think of the Geminids as the life of the cosmic party. Cooke says conditions this year are ideal, so anticipate a dazzling shower without the interference of moonlight. You might witness up to 100 meteors an hour, making it a celestial event you won’t want to miss.

stargazing view of geminids

Don’t let 2023 slip away without catching these last-minute stargazing opportunities. What’s a better way to bid farewell to the year than by looking up and reflecting on the grandeur of the universe? Ready to end the year with a stellar bang?

Share these must-see astronomical events, and let the sky offer one last dose of inspiration for 2023!

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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