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Divorce Attorney Surprises Struggling Mother With Wholesome Gesture.

Tweet from Twitter user messydepressy6 that reads "I asked my divorce attorney for the final invoice I owed her. 3404 dollars and change Well, I told her I’d start to like making payments and this is what this woman sent me. I cried. I would have never gotten through that divorce without her. She helped save me."

The process of going through a divorce can be utterly devastating. Having friends and loved ones there to support you can make a world of difference, but so can having the right attorney. This was certainly the case for a mom who shared her story on Twitter. Here, she gave insight into what led to her marriage ending.

Sadly, her husband also became her abuser. Although she was able to leave him in October 2021, her choice to leave clearly angered him. He became determined to leave her with as little as possible.

A woman stands near a window, looking down. A shadow is cast on much of her body and face. She looks sad as she pushes back her hair with one hand. Trees can be seen in the distance.
Austin Guevara/Pexels

“Leaving him was hard but legally leaving him was even more difficult,” she shared. “He wanted everything, down to my cellphone charger.”

Though this experience has been incredibly difficult, she thanks her caring attorney for getting her through everything, acknowledging that, without her, the divorce process would have been “too triggering” for her to deal with.

Still, nothing could have prepared this struggling mother for what would happen when she texted her attorney about the final invoice she owed her. After the attorney confirmed that she owed $3,404.93, all she asked for was $150.

Text conversation.

Attorney: There is 6 invoices included in that pdf; the total is $3,404.93

Mom: That's what I thought lol. I won't be able to pay it all at once but I'd like to start chipping away at it. Is there a place to make a payment

Attorney: You can venmo me or send a check. If you can just pay me $150 to cover actual expenditures like on service and summons and what not, we'll call it even

Mom: Are you kidding me Joy? You did so much for me and my kids

“It’s the holidays,” the attorney went on to text. “Save your money for the kids for Christmas, not legal bills.”

Mom, who was brought to tears, was absolutely blown away by the kindness she was shown. To show her gratitude, she insisted that she’d be paying her attorney more as she was able. Still, the attorney doubled down on her offer.

Text conversation 

Mom: Sent you 150 to your venmo. I plan on continuing to give you more when I can. You really saved me. I never would of gotten away from him with everything I did if it weren't for you. Honestly, you saved me so many triggering events. I could never honestly repay you for what you've done for me and my family. I aspire to be an attorney with your kind heart when I'm all said and done. Again, thank you so very much.

Attorney: Thank and don't worry anything going forward. You don't owe me anything now. Go on with your life and do good for you and your kids!

Mom goes on to share that she is in school for criminal justice with the goal of becoming a lawyer herself. This experience with her attorney has only further inspired her to make her dream come true.

“I plan on being a lawyer and do things exactly like this,” Mom said.

Although she says her abuser still makes negative videos about her on social media, Mom is still happy to share that she is “in love with the life I have created and found in these past years.”

“Thank you everyone for all the love,” she wrote once her tweets blew up. “… Knowing that other people can see the truth about who he is without even hearing half of my story is refreshing. What’s done is done and I’ve been healing.”

You can read the entirety of this heartwarming conversation with Mom and her caring attorney in the tweet below.

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here!

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