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Disabled Veteran Gets Special Canine Surprise While Being Honored At NFL Game.

Disabled veteran hugs his NFL surprise, a service dog named Storm.

As a veteran of the U.S. Navy, John Mulvey has undergone quite a lot, as anyone who has ever served their country knows. He enlisted in 1978 and, over the course of the 36 years that followed, he actively put his life on the line multiple times. In fact, John was deployed a total of nine times, including: Desert Storm, Haiti, the first and second Gulf War, and Iraq and Afghanistan. He retired as a Master chief E-8 in 2016.

In honor of John’s service and bravery, he’s been awarded multiple medals and accolades over the years. Still, the Giants believed that more could be done for this disabled veteran, prompting the NFL to surprise him in the best way.

Disabled veteran John Mulvey in uniform, posing for a photo.

Because John suffers from a traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), he needs assistance. Although many in his situation have service dogs, John did not… until now!

Disabled Veteran Gets NFL Surprise

While being honored on the Giants’ field, the NFL revealed their surprise for the disabled veteran: his own service dog! This sweet pup named Storm was trained by the organization Paws of War.

The impact a service animal can have on disabled folks is truly incredible. After all that John has been through, it’s clear how much this means to him. In fact, with the way Storm immediately made their way to John, happy to stay in his arms, it’s clear they’ve already made a lifelong connection.

Watch this disabled veteran receive the best NFL surprise in the heartwarming video below.

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here!

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