“Dear Santa…,” 15 Kids With Hilarious Christmas Requests.


Getting kids to be straightforward with their answers can sometimes be a challenge. However, tell them to write a letter to Santa, and the ink gets flowing, gets the honesty rolling and gets our hearts melting at their wishes.

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1. Less is more.

Huffington Post

Dear Santa,

I don’t want all the other nine (9) things on the list I sent to my father (dad). I only want the Puppy.

Every time I think about not getting a puppy it makes me sadder and sadder. I just want the little puppy. Just one. All I’m asking for is one little puppy. Perhaps a Labrador/German Shepherd or a Husky.

Thank you if I discover a puppy in a box under a tree.

Love, Emily

Cut the riff-raff and go straight for the kill. Emily knows what she’s doing.


2. There are plenty of adults with this same wish list.

Little Things

 Dear Santa,

I would like some Taylor Swift Tickets. I would also like clothes from Nordstrom and a boyfriend.

XOXO, Sarah.

I don’t know about you, but I think Sarah is feeling 22. Especially with a list like that!


3. Hey Santa, I want a Christmas present bigger than the GDP of 57 different countries


Dear Santa Claus,

I am so sorry of what I did in the past and thank you for the Christmas letter. I love it. But what I want for Christmas this year is 5.3 billion dollars. Pleas rite [sic] another letter this year. I love you.

Just send some us nice words and an easy billion or five, Santa! Every one of us!

4. I don’t think that insults are the best way to ask for a puppy.


Dear Santa,

I want u to know that I want a puppy and u r not alive, u r fat, and stuped [sic].

Senciriley, me


5. Hey, Saint Nick, let’s cut to the chase…


Dear Santa,

How are you? Well, enough chit-chat. Let’s get down to business. This year I want…

1) A big Space Lego Set

2) Some Jelly beans

3) a shark jacket and hat

4) an AK-47 assault rifle

5) my Nintendo Game


6. Jackson wants to show his community love.


Last I would like something for my community. I would like a Micdonols (McDonlads) be cos I like going their and iting their.

Love, Jackson


7. It better have money!


Dear Santa,

“For Christmas I would like a $100, $50 gift card to somewhere I like, on a note signed by my parents saying that I am allowed to paint my nails. Sincerely, Kailyn.

p.s. The $50 gift card can’t be to any fool places and it has to already have money on it.†


8. Why write it twice?


 Dear Santa,

Please text my Dad. He has my whole list.

I love you. xoxoxox



9. “Here’s the alphabet, you figure it out.”

Pop Hangover

Maybe they’re asking for a puppy?


10. Jordan wants to help everyone else


Dear Santa,

I’m Jordan and I live on [private]. I was born in 2003. I am 8 years old. I have been good this year. I’ve got my parents keychains, I’ve kept a puppy that didn’t have a home, I’ve mowed the grass. For Christmas, I want a iPad 2 and I want to get on the internet. I wish for a better economy. So that gas will be cheaper and our country won’t have to stay at war

Your friend,


So, Santa, if you’re reading this…Definitely make Jordan’s Christmas wish true to keep our country out of war and give us cheaper gas!


 11. Are they wanting to eat Santa?

Huffington Post

Dear Santa,

I want a popsicle for Christmas. Are you a popsicle? Santa [Drawing of Santa]


12. Whether it’s Google Translate or a multilingual toddler, she’s straight to the point…


Lucky for Santa, he only has to bring this little girl one gift to make her happy. And if she’s lucky, maybe the kitten will understand all 16 languages.


13. You’re never too old to still believe and write to Santa…


Dear Santa
I have been so good this year. Please Can I have…
1 – PS4
2 – Fifa 14
3 – New Guitar
4 – Sweeties
5 – World Peace
6 – Beer

Thank you 🙂 Chris age 29
I still believe


14. I didn’t believe because of my dad…


Dear Santa Claus,
I’m sorry I didn’t believe in you half the year. I just thought my dad was pulling my leg, Anyway, I feel bad, really bad, so I’ve decided to put different assortments of candy out for you and a few cookies and a tall glass of cold milk! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Write back to me please.

15. I tried to be good…


Dear Santa
When it was Saterday I thought I would try to be good the whole winter vacation. But it seems like I did not succeed. Will you still give me a present enyway?
Sofia L.
Merry Christmas!

Share these cute Christmas wishes today, and maybe they’ll reach Santa in time!

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