‘Dear Mom, Now That I’m Older.’ A Confession From Your College Aged Daughter.

Growing up and even when grown, it can be easy to take your parents for granted. It’s not that you love them less, just that you need them less and it takes constant work to keep up with those you love the most… The author of the post below realized this more than most.

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In a letter to mother dearest, Taylor Renner, a student at the University of Cincinnati, reflected on her life growing up and the fact she’d never thanked her mom for everything she’d done. Taylor put pen to paper and wrote her mother the most beautiful letter. Check out her awesome words in the post below.

Dear Mom,

Now that I’m older, I definitely appreciate you a lot more than I did as a kid. I appreciate the little things, from the random text messages to constantly tagging me on Facebook in your “funny” photos and sending me pins of stuff I like on Pinterest.

Now that I’m older, I can look back and realize that everything I am is all because of you. You’ve made me strong but realize it’s okay to cry. You’ve shown me how a mother gives everything to her children to give them a better life than she had, even when she’s left with nothing. And, most importantly you’ve taught me to never give up and without this, I would not be where I am today.

The Odyssey

Mom, now that I’m older, I realize that you’re the best friend I’m ever going to have. You cheer me on when I try new things and support me in deciding to be whatever person I want to be. Thank you for never telling me I can’t do something and helping me figure out ways to be the best woman I can be. Your love for me is unconditional. They say true, unconditional love can only come from God, but mom, I think you’re a pretty close second.


Now that I’m older, I don’t get to see you as much. But not seeing you as much just makes the times I do get to see you the absolute best, and I look forward to it every time. Now that I’m older, I’m not going to live at home. But, I promise to always come back because I know the door is always open. Your house is always going to be my home, and no other place is going to be the same.

Now that I’m older, I realize how much I miss you taking care of me. I miss you making me dinner, making sure I was doing well in school, and taking me to endless appointments. I miss you waking me up for school and then waking me up again because I didn’t listen the first time.


But, Mom, now that I’m older, I can see all that you’ve done for me. I can look back and see how big of a brat I was but you still loved me (and let me live) anyways. I can understand why you did certain things and frankly, you’re one bada** of a woman.

To have you as my mom and my best friend has been the best thing that has ever happened to me. So, Mom, now that I’m older, thank you, for everything.


Your Daughter

It is so important to cherish the good memories we have with those we love. Take a moment and list the things someone has done for you out of love. You might be surprised at the results.

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