“Hero” Dad Attempts CPR On Dog’s Favorite Chew Toy & Has Daughter In Stitches.

Some dads truly understand what it means to be there for their family members, even if those family members happen to be furry and walk on four legs.

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Michaella Wallace is a college student who recently left home to returned to school for her second semester. She says she and her dad have always shared a special bond, and now that she lives in a different state they do everything they can to keep in touch.

Love What Matters

“My dad has always gone the extra mile when it comes to mine and his relationship,” said Michaella. “The time we get to spend together has been very limited my whole life due to his work schedule and always traveling or living in a different state, so when we do get to be together, we always make sure to value it as best as possible.

Since she was feeling stressed during her first week back at class, her dad decided to have a little bit of fun with her by sending her a few text messages about her dogs. It all started when dad went outside and discovered their dog Lucky’s favorite stuffed bear had been left out in the snow.


“I have sad news,” dad began, sharing a photo of the destroyed bear splayed on the unforgiving cement walkway. Michaella explained that Lucky absolutely adores his “baby,” and after the bear was left outside it seemed to be ruined. Thankfully her dad wasn’t about to let that happen on his watch.

“This bear has been a huge part my dog, Lucky’s, life for six years now. He goes absolutely everywhere with him, whether it’s outside or to bed at night, so when my dad found out he was covered and snow and only found once it melted, my dad knew he had to get it back to Lucky in full recovery.”


Dad brought the bear in and began working hard to “save his life.” He continued to share pictures with Michaella, who then shared them with her friends on Twitter. Meanwhile, Lucky and their other dog stood vigil by the bear’s bedside.


Thankfully, dad’s TLC worked!

“The bear is completely recovered, and Lucky is back to protecting him at all cost and will never let him get out of his sight again,” Michaella said. “I think what my dad and I would want someone to take away from this story is to grab any opportunity to emotionally connect with your family or friends. For anyone that knows my dad and I, knows this was not out of the ordinary for him. He has always made a 110% effort to make me smile, even if it’s the smallest things.”


After Michaella’s tweet went viral, she felt even closer to her dad and asked him if there was anything he wanted to convey to people who enjoyed the story. He passed on this incredible advice that we could all stand to hear:

“Some people can make any situation worse, and some people can make any situation better… always be that second person, even if it’s your dog’s soaking wet stuffed animal.”

Wise words from the best dog toy doctor in the world. Please share this story to make someone smile today!

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