Crowd Lifts Man In Wheelchair, Delivers Him An Unforgettable Experience At Coldplay Concert.

Images show a wheelchair-bound man crowd-surfing to the stage, then appearing with Coldplay Lead Chris Martin.

Going to a Coldplay concert might be on your list of favorite things to do. That was the story for Rob O’Byrne, who enjoys the band. Concert-going is a challenge for Rob because he is paraplegic and confined to a wheelchair. But that didn’t stop this music-lover from enjoying the Coldplay concert or participating in crowd-surfing in his wheelchair.

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In a wheelchair at a Coldplay concert, this man was crowd-surfed to the stage to appear with Chris Martin.
Image from Facebook.

In Rob’s own words, “Coldplay released large bouncy balls into the crowd, and these two well-built lads fell over me trying to catch one. They apologized and picked me up, holding me up in my wheelchair above the audience to give me a better view of the stage.” That began a wondrous moment for Rob. The men began moving toward the stage with Rob held aloft in his chair. The crowd was happily parting to allow them through. A spotlight from the stage appeared, focusing on the impromptu wheelchair crowd surf.

Coldplay Lead Chris Martin noticed the commotion and invited Rob onto the stage. This is not the band’s first foray into acknowledging disabled fans. From there, the lead man handed him a harmonica, and a microphone was set up. Chris assured Rob that he would signal him when it was time to play the harmonica (even though Rob had never played one before). A song was made up on the spot all about Rob. Calling it an experience of a lifetime, Rob will remember wheelchair surfing at the Coldplay concert. He will carry that experience and his positive attitude into every aspect of his life.

Appearing on stage with Lead Chris Martin of Coldplay, wheelchair-bound Rob O'Byrne plays harmonica.
Image from Facebook.

Rob Lives Life To The Fullest

Rob’s injury happened when he was 17 years old and dived into the shallow end of a swimming pool. The resultant spinal injury means that he can feel nothing in that region and has no movement from his chest down. But it didn’t affect his love of music; he loves going to concerts, even though his wheelchair slows him down a bit. Rob is a fitness trainer, teaching other people with similar injuries at “What’s Your Excuse for Fitness.”

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