79-Yr-Old Calls 911 & Says He Hasn’t Eaten In 2 Days. Then Cops Look In Fridge & Spring Into Action.

Every once in awhile, an inspiring story goes viral on the internet of police officers who are using their positions of power for good. Each and every one of these stories is worthy of being shared again and again; because these stories prove that not all police officers are evil. In fact, many of them fly under the social media radar, going above and beyond for the people who call them in their time of need.

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A perfect example of some honorable officers comes from a community in Mount Pleasant, Tennessee. One night in 2016, an elderly man made a phone call to his local police department with a very unique request. Expecting to hear that he was in danger or hurt, the officers were shocked to hear that the 79-year-old man had not eaten in two days.


When officers arrived, they found out that the elderly man’s previous caretaker had stolen his debit card, leaving him no money with which to purchase food. Knowing that they could not just buy this man one meal, Officers Gray, Odom, Runion, and Bolton went to the store to purchase food for him with money out of their own paychecks. In total, they spent $160 and were able to stock his pantry with a month’s worth of food.


Determined to help this man even further, they went on to put together a canned food drive for him. The word got out and the whole community got together to help pitch in and contribute to the man’s food supply.


Amazingly, after blessing the elderly man’s life in huge ways, the four officers had one final act of serving and protecting to do for their community member: they were able to track down the ex-caretaker and arrest her for her illegal activity proving that honorable police officers exist.

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