7th-Graders Save The Day When Bus Driver Has Medical Emergency In Middle Of Street.

7th graders save bus driver

You never know exactly how you’ll react in an emergency situation, but with a little luck, we’ll all do as well as these two middle schoolers from Paulding County, Georgia.

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Seventh-graders Conner Doss and Kane Daugherty were riding to school on the bus one morning when the driver abruptly pulled over to the side of the road. She was having a medical emergency, and with no adults nearby to help, the kids knew it was up to them.

Conner rose from his seat and made his way toward the driver, noticing right away that her face was “bright red” and she was shaking. Knowing she has diabetes, the boys tried to help her by having her sip a Coca-Cola, but it was clear she needed medical attention right away.

“I hear her say, ‘Hey! Somebody help!’ So, I run up. She’s over here shaking really bad,” Kane recalled. “I picked up the [dispatch radio], I said, ‘Somebody help. Our bus driver feels really dizzy.’ Somebody called her phone.”

The bus dispatcher told Kane how to apply the bus’ emergency brake, flashing lights, and emergency stop arm. A 911 operator soon took over to dispatch emergency services and work with Kane to stabilize the driver.

Meanwhile, Conner took charge of the other children on the bus, many of whom were terrified. “Some were crying, some were screaming, and some were just panicking,” he said. He moved the students to the back of the bus to give the driver and Kane some space, then opened a window and began flagging down any cars that passed by.

A pastor who happened to be out and about stopped, jumped on the bus, and calmed the kids down with a prayer. Kane said the prayer provided a “moment of relief” both for the driver and the kids. It helped knowing that “God was on our side.”

The driver is now recovering, and Conner and Kane are being recognized for their quick thinking and heroic actions during a scary situation. They received commendations at a school board meeting, but both boys insist they just acted out of instinct.

“I’m not a hero,”Kane said. “All I did was react. All Conner did was react. We just helped our bus driver out. Anybody else would’ve done it. It’s just we were the first ones to do it.”

They’re being modest, but we shudder to think what could have happened if these young men weren’t on the bus that day. Their calmness under pressure surely made the situation a lot safer for everyone involved!

Share this story to thank Conner and Kane for stepping up when they were needed.

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