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Zoo Captures Tearjerking Moment Dying Chimp Sees Man Who Raised Her 1 Last Time.

chimp goodbye

Humans and chimpanzees share much of the same DNA, so it makes sense that they have very similar capacities for love and relationships.

That’s never been more clear than in the below video. Mama, a chimp at the Royal Burgers Zoo in Arnhem, Netherlands, was 59 years old when she started to refuse food and water. Doctors realized that she was terminally ill and her old age had finally caught up to her. But when she saw a familiar face come to pay his respects, her reaction was that of pure joy.

Jan van Hooff played an important role in Mama’s life for many years.

Wikimedia Commons

As the co-founder of the chimp colony at the Netherlands’ zoo, Jan had known Mama since 1972.


Wanting to say goodbye to his old friend, Jan came to visit Mama during her last week at the zoo.


It took Mama some time to realize that her old friend was there, she was clearly exhausted… but the moment she spots him, all her sadness is forgotten.


She reaches for him, revealing a huge smile!


It’s almost like she can’t believe that he’s there. She strokes his hair and his face tenderly.


Their adorable embrace is enough to make even the toughest person break down into tears.


I’m so glad that Mama got to see Jan before she passed away. It just goes to show that animals have feelings and memories, too. These two clearly had a special bond that transcended species.

Watch the emotional reunion below and share to spread some love.

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